"No Crime 8am - 6pm" hand painted wooden road sign by Chu

‘No Crime’ piece by Chu, showing at Rise Of The Vandals in York from 21st June 2024

Gallery of design, graffiti, animations and case studies – some large, some on paper, some that will fool your eyes.

Chu. 3D.

My pulses are beams, not beans.

Other sections to look through


I produce panoramic imagery, using photographs, CGI and hand-drawn methods - or a mixture of all these techniques. They are best explored online, although I have produced a walk-in version inside a physical 11 foot cube. Images are usually stitched together meticulously by hand, providing a view of a space that works as if you were actually there, allowing you to see all around a particular viewpoint. If you are interested in working with a tailored 360 degree panorama at your location or event, please contact me for more information.


Most of the work I make needs an element of design, except freestyle. I sometimes sketch, use Google Sketchup, or research and develop ideas until they make the grade. Graphic design and typographic layouts for print, logo design, website set-up & maintenance, consultations for campaigns...


Ever since I found a can of Volkswagen Orange Dupli Colour in my father's shed, I've had a fascination with aerosol paint. The paint formula may change, but the principle is still the same. An actuator releases the paint under varying degrees of pressure over a surface, usually hovering off the same surface at varying degrees of speed and distance.