At the very end of another awesome trip to see our friends in Amsterdam, there was a response to the call for ‘something to paint’. It seemed silly not to make some painting whilst on a visit.

There was food and very warm friends to greet us on arriving. I set about masking off together with some help. That takes the longest to get right, and it also makes the final reveal more like a ‘WOW’ than a hmmm.
Laser showed up, he writes these little (or not so little) phrases:

All achieved in little over 3 hours fom start to finish. The only brief that Saskia had said were the numbers 75 and 16, so the first thing that appeared in my mind was a sports car with those race numbers on the door panel, then I had flashbacks of the Wacky Racers, and all the Fireball 500 stuff from Jamie Hewlett. The car was going to become powered by love, from within the frame.
We were to go 50/50 on the split down the direction of travel, so to give a different view to people on opposing sides of any road it travels on. I hear that it’s been all around Holland.

Thansk Saskia, William and Vincent & everyone who made this day a dream. x