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12 Miniature prints for sale

Visitors to the preview night of the recent 51 degrees show in Birmingham would have noticed a set of miniature prints available, reproduced in full colour from the collection painted on aluminium. The retail price of these prints is £140, yet on the night people were offered the set for just £51.

Subscribers of the site (here), who have purchased the set of 12 BEFORE midnight G.M.T. on 31st May 2009 will be eligible to receive the set for only £51. They are limited to an edition of 51 signed and numbered, maximum of two sets per applicant who must have subscribed prior to purchase. Payments are only accepted through and are to be sent to chu (at) Successful applicants will also have to pay for their own postage & packaging.

or you can CLICK HERE to buy from

Each of the images has been printed in full colour, on heavy ultra-white 250g paper. You would even believe the rivets were real, all the textures of the worn away stickers and layers of paint are as visible as they were on the aluminium canvas.

See the whole collection here.