These were created during the first few months at my studio, after I had given up with the 3d / stereoscopic technique (red/blue) for a while at least. If my 3D work was comic book, this is technicolour fruit salad.
The landscape rendered within the image is the inverted world of Zero Axis, a concept I began over 14 years ago. I would travel this world in my mind, and usually end up recreating a scene from within it for many flyers and other artworks I was making. Its an inverted planet, the universe is in the centre, the land’s horizon falls upwards and electronic storage media is outlawed.
As i look back at the works I made, there are a lot of similarities: wires, sockets, the occasional figure. Something about music. This is a tribute to the bus conductress, or better known as the clippie. My mother was a clippie, and would meet my future father whilst he also worked on the buses, as a driver.
The finished piece can be seen at the Selfridges Ultralounge as part of the Dreweatts Urban Art collection, to culminate in a final auction day of 26th February 2009.