Had another great painting session back in the motherland at the spot we’ve nicknamed the Studio. Spent about 6 hours getting this together, after a pretty heavy night out at the opening of Warp & Woof in Birmingham. I used Simoniz and Gold Wheel sourced from my all-time favourite Supercar 2 on Ablewell Street, then tightened it all up with Hycote from previous stock left at Meeks.
The floor was gonna get some too, for illusion only, didn’t have too much time though. There’s another project I’m working on that uses that technique and I wanted to road test again, after working on the cube for 51 degrees in Birmingham.
Took the idea of replacing type with buildings a bit further too. This seems to be something particular about Walsall, or the copperworks that makes me work that way. It’s quite difficult working on a scientific level AND freestyle. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
Working Title: Halfway Homes in the Mist
Dedicated to Freya Rose Kemp, born on 18.09.09 weighing 7lb 6oz