Sep 202010

For those that need no introduction to Ninja Tune and its legacy on the global music world, you won’t need telling that they also have been celebrating stealth style for twenty years as of September 2010. The London leg of their anniversary parties is being held at the Ewer Street Car Park on 3rd October 2010. I’m working with Mutate on the decor for the main room and other bits and bobs. I also had a chance to give the walls of 333/Mother bar a good lick of paint (albeit mostly grey and blue, didn’t use any black).

I started the day alongside Anthony and Dan, amazing photographers/videographers (they made the video below) and Martin from Ninja. I just skiffled along with my ladder, following the sun trails and getting the main causeway done first, starting after the morning rush around 10am, then finished the front before the lunchtime. Nine hours and 30 minutes it took, woking well into the dark and creating some more of my power lights, this time a ‘CHU’ switch. Ego machine. The area in front of 333 was heaving by the time i finished.

Please excuse my eyebrows/smoking in the following video

Now, the bit below may not look too good in a feed (even facebook), so probably best now you visit the actual website to experience my 360 degree panorama. I’ve got quite a few on my 360cities page, best thing is when you view them on there, you can right click the scene and choose a Little Planet view too.

If you can see something happening below – wait for it to load fully then click and drag around the image to look around, use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out (alternatively use the cursor keys and the CTRL/SHIFT for zoom). If its a load of gobble-di-gook then you’ll have to view it in a regular (java script enabled) web browser.