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Birmingham vs. Amsterdam

It has taken about a year to get this far. We (the Brum 6) have beat Bournemouth, Berlin, Lisbon, Glasgow and more recently struck off London with the safe-ish for work semi final.

This Saturday 15th January 2011, we face Amsterdam in the Grand Final. It will consist of 6 members of each squad battling for 90 minutes on a massive 16′ x 40′ wall, with only black edding pens and paint to work with.

Its being held at The Village Underground, in the heart of Shoreditch. This is UK vs Netherlands, to win the Secret Wars Euroleague

Bring ya Brummie horns

Check out some footage from the semi final:

And one from earlier in the tournament – Amsterdam vs Southampton:

Secret Wars 2010 SID LEE COLLECTIVE Amst./south hamp from Stephan Bontje on Vimeo.