I was going through some photographs of my work for an article in a magazine (coming out soon) when I realised that these haven’t seen the light of day for many years…
The first image (above) is a ceiling in a pub in a town I used to live, Stourbridge. In fact, I painted three in the same town, two of which were in the Meeting Place, on the High Street. These were my initial steps in making illusions work inside interiors. The ceiling on the bottom floor was best viewed through one of those convex, bulging mirrors, which enabled you to see the whole ceiling without arching your back!
I apologise for the quality of some of these images: I haven’t got access to all the work I have ever made whilst not in the UK, I just came across these and thought they deserved a mention on this site, as you may not have seen the work. Some of it requires further explanation, but here they are for you to simply enjoy for now…