I’ll be representing at the UK’s most ambitious city centre initiative, See No Evil.
Nelson Street in beautiful Bristol will once more pay homage to the subculture that has contributed to much of the city’s attention, it caught mine back in the late 80’s. Bristol has always had one of the most lively graffiti cultures in the whole of the UK. This is one of those times that I know will be a well planned exercise, and sharing some good vibes with old friends too.
I’ve started to plan my piece and there will be updates on here as my designs develop.
You can read more about the event on their official website. It’s kicking off 16 August 2012.

Last time I painted in Bristol:

A FANTASTIC video from last years event, by the lovely sounding Raspberry Jam.
Experience See No Evil, an international street art event in Bristol, UK by following a viewer through the heart of the city centre.
Filmed over a 36 hour period on Nelson Street, which was transformed by over 70 graffiti artists from around the globe as part of one of the world’s most ambitious urban art projects. Artists include El mac, Tats Cru, Inkie, Damo, Epok One and China Mike.
– Event organised by Inkie and Team Love.
– In association with Bristol City Council
– T-shirts supplied by Bristol based www.dreamt.co
Music by Dakent: “Banger (Voodoo Bear Remix)”
Download the album here: http://dakent.bandcamp.com/album/banger-ep
Editable Google Map:
View SEE NO EVIL locations online and contribute to the map yourself