More than just another logo design.
LDNretail required a solution to promote themselves as a single entity when they are speaking with someone expressing interest . They are a collection of service providers in the retail sector that assist overseas companies wishing to set up retail ventures in the UK’s capital. There just simply wasn’t a budget to make a printed, physical brochure. I proposed to apply the branding to a credit card shaped USB flash drive & a simple website.
The name
The development began by researching a list of words relating to the industry sector and creating a name that was unique across multiple platforms (search engines, company registrations etc.). Various online tools were used to discover how ‘clean’ or unique the name/phrase was.
For instance, searching for the single phrase ‘LDNretail’ gave 8 results before development and now garners 420 due to spiders and published features (as of July 17th 2013).
Logo design
The logo is drawn in an array of 9×5 pixels
It was like going down memory lane as the simplification process kicked in. I’ve often combined geometry and the base spectrum with my deisgns. This was design reduction gone boom. The logo is drawn in an array of 9×5 pixels. I went down one particular strain from the beginning, using a hinged ‘two-section’ version of L and R – strengthening the outline wall surrounding the letters made sense to inform the ‘property’ and ‘build’ aspects. The cards inside the tin even had different background repeats based on the logo but reflecting their sector. The colours gave a kindliness, simple, understandable and clear instruction that the organisation can be approached.

Preview it as an overlay by selecting the thumbnail to the right or view it in a new window by clicking here. There is also a page on the site where you can download a PDF document I created, basically an off-line version of the website.
The site is mobile-friendly and very simple, reflecting the clean, white appearance. Almost medicinal.
Combo Tin

These are travelling around with the representatives from LDNretail. Inside are four business cards showing the contacts for each company involved, one each in each sector; law, publicity, property and build. There is also a 1Gb re-usable USB stick holding a PDF brochure and a weblink, called ‘LDNRETAIL’ when inserted into a USB slot.
And a nice, crack back, palm-sized sticker.

There is further development currently under way on new containers, additional contents and the website. There’s also a chance to dust off my cartography skills once more. Currently designing a map of central London for print and screen, involving technical wizardry and a biro powered up with Sketchup.