Bez has his own Acid House tent within the Unfairground area, built and ran by some of the Mutoid Waste crew led by Sam Haggerty.
The Unfairground is (lost and) found in the south east fields of the Glastonbury Festival. full of devilishly tricky fairground stalls and definitely in the surprise zone. This is the second time I have painted the same setup – a 10ft high baby hugging a nose-down Ford Capri, on a podium.
I was asked to make the work relevant to hydraulic fracturing, and after some deliberation (and somewhat predetermined by colour scheme) I carved the surface as if the baby’s head had caused an impact point on the vehicle – both made of rock, sending echoes and tremors of the physical force throughout the sculpture. It reminded me of dazzle warships as it distressed the surface, hiding the fact it was a baby or a Ford Capri any more.

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What is Fracking?
The brief arrived from Bez, via Sam Haggerty – “Its all about fracking”. If you don’t know about it then you should.