In pursuit of the finer distortions of the plane, I was honoured to get to paint something I’ve longed to do for such a long time. The DANAD Gallery in Hertford allowed me to paint on the floor and ceiling of their entrance hall almost entirely. More (distorted) images after the jump.
I experimented with different lens distortions to test the integrity of the lines. Some of them broke when I created these panoramas, painting and photographing inside such an enclosed space (barely 1.5m wide at its narrowest). Quite a mystifying effect to paint within.

The following shot shows both the floor and the ceiling in the same shot, with the corridor going off to the left.

This next view is looking directly down to the floor, with the entrance door to the right.

Virtual Tour

Visit a full screen virtual tour I created for the venue to see the interior of this building (and another, permanent interior piece I painted). The tour allows you to see the work in great detail and have the freedom to walk around at your leisure – even using your smart phone, tablet or from any laptop/desktop computer (must have the latest web browsers installed).
You can visit this permanent installation at the new DANAD Gallery in Hertford.