The second part in my ‘Word Games’ series for Shangri-La at Glastonbury this year employed the wonderful simulated factory-shutters – or lenticular, to give it its loosely technical term. The journey to find the texts was long and pot-marked (just like the south east corner) because I simply couldn’t top Gerry’s lyrics from my previous lenticular work. This word pair needed to reflect the actual brief (protest, politics, people power) as well as the location.
This piece is based on the written word versus the spoken word. The words I chose mean something completely different when (mis)heard. Sects becomes sex, and Tense becomes tents. Sects/Tense (politics) & sex/tents (Glastonbury). Tense is visible when looking from the Heaven stage towards Hell stage – Sects is visible when looking from the Hell stage towards Heaven…