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360° tour of “The Artist Proof” by Sickboy

Visit The Artist Proof by Sickboy on

If there was ever an exhibition that deserves another look, then it was old friend’s Sickboy’s last show in his old studio space in Bristol earlier this year.

Sickboy wanted me to create a virtual re-experience of his swan song at his space in the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft, in the centre of the city where he chose to sharpen his yellow and red milk teeth. He has championed graffiti and it’s excesses for a long time now, this and his vast work make me proud to know him – never mind speak with him and work together. I stopped off to see him in Paris while I attended the Google Cultural Institute to work on the new Tilt Brush. Over a few whiskies we got to talking about getting a VR version of the next show he was working on.

I’m not getting into the VR vs. 360° debate

During the set-up of the show I was allowed to take photographs of the ambitious build, containing installations, a special audio mix from Invada Records, and some rather elegant, unique lighting. Towards the guts at the back of the show, the old medieval courtyard (since surrounded by a roof and walls) gave a panoramic view of the pieces on show with the real world’s burning sun into this psychedelic wonderland. It was quite a humbling sensation to realise that all of the work on the acetates (the film used in the printing process to burn the image onto a screen mesh) are hand drawn with red-out.

Some of my favourite sections are the little secret spaces which you aren’t usually able to see the world from, you-need to-see-it-for-yourself vibes.

Take a trip into Sickboy’s The Artist Proof exhibition, or by clicking here to find them all.

View the 360° panorama

View The Artist Proof 360° Panorama in FULL SCREEN – Mobile friendly

For the best experience, drag the view around by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button to discover different views and some surprises.
If you are viewing this on a mobile device (mobile phone or tablet) then the gyroscope allows you to tilt the view around you. Simply select the compass icon.
You can also hide or show the clickable spots with the icon in the bottom left corner.
Computer – zoom with CTRL/SHIFT or mouse-wheel / Mobile – zoom in & out by pinching
[pano file=’’ preview=’’ title=’Scroll around & zoom to see the entire space’]